GMB accuse Hampshire County Council of failing in their legal Health & Safety responsibilities during pandemic

"We have to ask what they don’t want GMB to see if they won’t allow our representative to carry out his legal right to inspect workplaces," says GMB
GMB are extremely concerned about Hampshire County Council Covid-19 infection control after the council refuse to allow a GMB representative to carry out his legal health and safety inspections, including inspecting schools in advance of them reopening in September.
The refusal comes after GMB recently discovered that the council had allowed as many as 18 staff to visit the Winchester offices of Hampshire County Council Trading Standards Service, despite the building being closed during lock down and not having had a deep clean [1].
Nicola Nixon, GMB Organiser said: “For a local authority like Hampshire to prevent a union health and safety representative from carrying out his legal inspections at a time like this is shocking.
"You would think that following their recent errors which put GMB members at risk, health and safety would be at the forefront of their decisions. It is especially important health and safety inspections are done in schools prior to them reopening to pupils in September.
"We have to ask what the council don’t want GMB to see, if they won’t allow our representative to carry out his legal right to inspect the workplace.
"The government guidance has made it very clear that employers should be working with trade unions and union safety reps as the best way to safeguard workers. If we do not get this resolved we will use the full force of the law to ensure our members are kept safe.”
Media enquiries: GMB Press Office on 07958 156846 or at
Notes to Editors: Link to press release on 1st July 2020