Further strike days at Charlton Park Academy

GMB and NEU (previously NUT) members at Charlton Park Academy School in Greenwich will follow up strike action in July and October with two further days this week, Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th November. This action is over new imposed sick pay arrangements which leave members on much worse terms and conditions than any other Greenwich school.
The contracts apply to those who have joined the school after it became an Academy. In October local MP Matt Pennycook visited the picket line and he has already shown his support by writing to the headteacher expressing his concern at the impact on staff well-being and welfare. GMB Regional Secretary Paul Maloney also gave a speech to the demonstrators to show the union’s full support of the action. As a further sign of wide support, GMB General Secretary Tim Roache is due to attend Thursday’s protest.
The strikes have followed two days of talks at ACAS earlier in the summer which proved fruitless.
Clive Smith, GMB Regional Officer said: “New staff employed at Charlton Park are not only on weaker terms and conditions than staff at any other Greenwich School but also compared to longer serving colleagues at the same school.
“If they are off sick for a couple of months people will have to choose between paying their bills or eating meals. This is an unacceptable way to treat committed staff helping to educate and look after pupils with complex needs.
“The school has quoted vastly inflated figures for the cost of putting this right but has been unable to quantify the genuine financial impact when asked in the talks. GMB is confident that the cost impact on the school would be negligible. Staff only take sick leave when there is genuine need.
“Staff here are justifiably angry. This dispute started in shirt sleeves in the summer and will continue in winter coats. The staff are not backing down and we are behind them 100%
“It’s time for Charlton Park Academy to treat their staff with respect and come to ACAS with serious intention to resolve this dispute.”
Contact: Clive Smith GMB Regional Organiser 020 8303 3407 or 07802 958 554