Clap For Our Carers

GMB call on everyone to show our appreciation for those caring for others, tonight at 8pm
GMB, the union for key workers, is calling on everyone to come together to show their appreciation for everyone who is out at work, risking their health and safety for everyone's benefit.
This of course includes NHS workers such as doctors and nurses, but also other hospital staff such as cleaners, caterers, porters and admin staff, and other vital public services such as teachers and school staff, care home staff, and not to be forgotten retail staff who are ensuring the country still has access to food and essential supplies.
GMB have produced a graphic to be printed off (if you have the capacity to do so) to show these people at 8pm when you are doing your clapping, to show your appreciation. You can download this on the right hand side of this page.
Why not take some photos or videos of you doing so and share these on Facebook or Twitter, too? Make sure you tag us in using @GMBSouthern (Twitter) or @GMBSouthernRegion (Facebook) and use the hashtag #ClapForOurCarers if you do!