Canterbury Council 'breaking the law' by using agency workers during refuse strike - GMB

After yesterday’s High Court ruling, Canterbury's actions may be unlawful says GMB Union
GMB, the union for refuse workers, has warned Canterbury Council it is breaking the law by using agency workers during industrial action following a High Court ruling yesterday [Thursday].
The union wrote to the local authority after the High Court quashed the Government’s decision to permit employers to use agency workers to undermine strikes [1].
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser, said:
“GMB union has warned Canterbury Council in light of yesterday’s High Court ruling, it may now be breaking the law by using agency workers during a strike.
“Our members are surprised and very disappointed a Labour led council would use Tory anti-union laws like these to try to break a strike in the first place.
“Now we know it is not only immoral, but unlawful too.
“Throughout this strike the Labour council, led by Alan Baldock, has consistently praised the small number of workers who continue to work through the strike. [2]
“Yet again we call on the council and Canenco to spend their energy seeking a resolution to this dispute rather than trying to break the strike.
"GMB members are determined and aren’t asking for anything other than the going rate for the job.”
Media enquiries: Gary Palmer on 07552 165950 or GMB Press Office on 07958 156846 or at
Notes to Editors:
[1] UK move to allow agency workers to cover strikes overturned by court | Reuters
[2] Bin strikes - your questions answered - Canterbury Newsroom