Brighton Academies Meeting

GMB, the Union for school support staff, are supporting a meeting organised by a campaign to stop all schools being forced into Academies.
As part of the Conservative Government’s latest budget proposals, they announced that they intend to force all schools in England to become academies by 2020.
Mark Turner, GMB Branch Secretary said, “As far as the GMB are concerned, Academies are basically private companies and these proposals could have a devastating impact on the pay, terms and conditions of employment of our members in schools, of which there are many. These proposals could also potentially mean stepping away from the National Curriculum and also the possible introduction of pupil selection policies.
We would like to encourage members, school staff, parents and any others to attend a meeting called by the Campaign for Education, supported by GMB, Unison and NUT to launch the campaign against these proposals on Wednesday 6th April at the Friends Meeting House in Ship Street, Brighton from 6.30 to 8.30pm.”