All options back on the table as rogue Wiltshire Council bosses break agreement that averted GMB strike action in June

Members are scandalised that Wiltshire Council’s top bosses have walked back from a deal, says GMB
GMB, the union for Wiltshire Council staff, is calling for members to reject a revised proposal from Wiltshire Council after bosses reneged on the agreement negotiated through the offices of Acas (the governments advisory and conciliation service) in June.
The council's proposed pay cuts to council staff amount to £2,000 for traffic wardens and £7,000 for social workers per year.
Ballots are running from now until 13th October among the 300 staff affected by the pay cut.
Keith Roberts, GMB Regional Organiser, said:
“GMB members are scandalised that Wiltshire Council’s top bosses have walked back from a deal where their own ‘working party’ on terms and conditions had agreed to protect the pay of existing staff for the lifetime of their contracts.
“This deal was agreed in July, but the council announced on 9th August, that they were breaking their word. From GMB's point of view, this puts all options back on the table.
“Staff in parking services have already taken two days strike action to oppose the pay cuts, but traffic wardens are far from the only staff affected.
“None of our members can afford this pay cut – and they should not have to.
“GMB is confident of a no vote from our members, then the ball will be back in the council’s court.
“Wiltshire Council needs to start treating their staff with respect and understand the extreme worry they are causing with their threats of pay cuts.”