Advice for NHS Workers

Important information for all GMB members working for the NHS at this difficult time.
GMB, the union for NHS workers, are keen to look after the welfare of our members within the NHS and care industry.
We urge all our members to stay safe, especially if you are still working at this time of great need. We are so very grateful to you for staying at work and putting yourselves potentially at risk in order to help others.
NHS Employers have issued some guidance for NHS workforce leaders, which includes information on health and safety during the COVID outbreak. This guidance is available at
GMB have also put together our own advice page for you — including information on your rights and on PPE. Check this out at
While we have taken the step to close our offices, we remain here for our members. If you need to contact us, the same process applies — go to your workplace representative in the first instance, or else try calling your branch secretary on the phone number given on your membership card. For any other enquire, email and we will put you in touch with the right people. Stay safe!