AA Holiday Pay Collective Grievance

Some GMB members at the AA will be aware that holiday pay is an issue for many and is not being paid correctly, i.e. that your pay should be averaged whilst you are on leave. This has been an issue over the past eighteen months/two years and there appear to be numerous instances of indoor staff and patrols being short changed whilst on annual leave.
In an attempt to simplify the matter, the following calculation should be undertaken:
- You need to download your payslips going back 90 days before you took any leave. Note your gross earnings for each week/month over the 90 days, add them all up and then simply divide this by 90. The amount you come to should be the daily averaged amount you should get paid for each and every day you take as annual leave.
- The above is only a guide but it is a quick and easy way to double check. If you do not deal with the matter within 3 months of taking your annual leave you would be out of time, do not miss the boat on any monies owed to you.
There have been a number of individuals raising this issue with the AA. Some staff are out of pocket by hundreds of pounds per week each time they go on leave. Whilst the AA agreed to rectify the problem, they appear not to be bothered to find a resolution, so it gives us no other option but to register this in a formal way, via the grievance procedure.
Please find available for download below the collective grievance paperwork that you should sign. Please ask as many of your colleagues who are GMB members to sign. Those colleagues who are not members can join online at www.gmb.org.uk/join and then sign. Please return the completed paperwork to Paul Grafton at the Freepost address below by WEDNESDAY 14 DECEMBER 2016:
Cooper House
205 Hook Road
If you have any further questions, please contact your local representative or Paul Grafton on paul.grafton@gmb.org.uk or 0208 397 8881.