GMB to hold demonstration outside Kent and Canterbury hospital on 10 August in support of a decent and fair pay rise for hardworking NHS staff

Many loyal NHS workers believe that they have been duped in to accepting what they were told was a great pay deal, but now believe the pay deal to be a bad deal, says GMB Southern
- GMB will be holding a lunchtime demonstration in support of the hardworking staff employed in the NHS who have recently discovered that a pay rise that was promised to them, was not the great deal they had been led to believe.
Details of the demonstration are as follows:
Friday 10 AugustFrank Macklin, GMB Regional Organiser said:
12 noon until 2pm
Entrance of Kent & Canterbury Hospital
Ethelbert Road
"Many loyal NHS workers believe that they have been duped in to accepting what they were told was a great pay deal, but now believe the pay deal to be a bad deal.
"The GMB Trade Union was the only trade union out of all the National Health Service unions that saw this deal for what it was, a bad deal!
"At best it was a standing still pay rise and at its worse it was a deal that may see some staff actually see their income lowered.
"After years of little or no pay rises at all, the GMB Trade Union believes that staff working in the NHS deserves a much better and fairer deal.
"The GMB will be outside the entrance of the Kent & Canterbury Hospital, where we will conduct a ballot where we will be asking the public to cast their own vote on whether they believe that the hardworking NHS staff deserves a better pay deal.
"Please come along and have your vote."