GMB Southern have members in dozens of NHS Trusts all over the region, from South London to the South…
Since Kent County Council (KCC) sits outside the remit of the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government Services, GMB need to ballot our members about a pay deal specific to KCC workers each year.
We are aware that this pay award has already been implemented apart from schools and academies that have a September pay cycle. Implementing a pay award before a ballot of recognised trade union members is complete is not how industrial relations should work! We are awaiting legal advice on this. If it is not in our favour GMB will still seek to remedy this. In the meantime, KCC have said that if the overall result of the ballots was to reject they would seek to renegotiate.
We need you to tell us whether you wish to accept the pay deal that has been tabled by KCC. If a majority of members do not accept the deal, we would look at pursuing an industrial action ballot, to ascertain whether members would be prepared to take action to try to win an improved offer.
Please note that the deadline for returned ballots is June 3rd, so make sure you complete the form before then! The offer is set out below:
1. TCP Levels
2. An increase in the top and bottom of each grade by a minimum of 1.5%.
3. KR3 to increase to £10 per hour [equates to 4.7% increase].
4. I extra days annual leave for staff with less than 5 years' service.
The GMB cannot recommend it because it falls way short of our pay claim which was 10% [current RPI is 9%] and long serving staff have not been offered an extra’s day leave.
Please note that if you work in an Academy, most will follow KCC's guidance, although others will now set their own pay and this ballot will only be advisory for them. Local discussions will take place with many academies following this ballot, and we will keep in touch with you if you work in affected schools.
Please take the time to respond to the questions below. You only need to complete the form once, so if you have already been directed here from a text message or email, and get directed here from a second communication, you only get one vote and any subsequent vote will not be counted, no matter how many times you vote.
We want you to be able to contact us about this, but are aware that members need to keep their ballots private. If you wish to contact us about this ballot, if you are interested in becoming a local contact in your workplace to or would like more information about becoming a workplace rep, or think your details have changed from what we hold on file for you (address, contact details, workplace location or job title), visit our separate page at https://www.gmb-southern.org.uk/kent-county-council-contact-form and fill in your details!
GMB Southern have members in dozens of NHS Trusts all over the region, from South London to the South…
GMB is the largest trade union amongst school support staff including teaching assistants, HLTAs, cover…
GMB is calling for negotiated pay and benefits, health and safety in the workplace and dignity and respect…
Meet our Retired Members Association committee...
GMB is a union which campaigns for your right to be treated the same as your colleagues, regardless of…
If you work for Asda the GMB is the union for you. As the only recognised union in Asda stores and warehouses,…
GMB Southern has members in every Local Authority in the region, from Dorset to Kent, from Oxfordshire…
GMB is a campaigning union within the care sector. We have members in all areas of social care such…
GMB@work is firmly embedded within EDF Energy, here in Southern Region. We have a solid approach to workplace…