GMB demand that outsourced hospital workers be brought back into NHS at Croydon Hospital

These are essential key workers just asking to go on the NHS pay, terms, and conditions that all hospital workers should receive, say GMB Union
GMB, the union for NHS workers are demanding that their members working as cleaners and porters at Croydon Hospital be brought back in-house to be once again directly employed by the NHS Trust.
Union members at the hospital are furious at their treatment by their outsourced employer G4S, which includes not being paid the London Living Wage or full occupational sick pay, which are contract terms and conditions enjoyed by NHS workers at the hospital site.
Following on from a successful demonstration outside the hospital on 31st January, the members have asked to be balloted for strike action to improve their pay and contract terms.
GMB are aware that the portering and cleaning contract is up for renewal in April and has made an initial approach to NHS Trust management, asking them to consider bringing the service back under NHS control.
Helen O’Connor GMB Organiser said: “Our portering and cleaning members working at Croydon University Hospital have experienced the harsh reality of being outsourced first-hand. These private contracts in the NHS are run like the Wild West with few rules or structures and our members have had enough.
“The members are simply sick and tired of being bullied and denied the most basic entitlements to occupational sick pay and decent wages. They have had enough of the intimidation they experience from G4S managers who remove overtime if they raise legitimate concerns.
“These are essential key workers just asking to go on the NHS pay, terms, and conditions that all hospital workers should receive. If it means seeing off G4S for good, that’s what they are prepared to do.”
Contact: Helen O’Connor on 07506 711 574