Chichester waste and recycling service vote for New Year strike

This matter must be resolved prior to Christmas, or we have no choice other than to issue strike notices for mid-January, says GMB union
GMB, the union for all public and private sector waste and recycling operatives, can announce that its members working for Chichester District Council will be taking strike action in January if the employer fails to agree a pay increase similar to those awarded in neighbouring areas Brighton and Worthing.
The vote for strike action was supported by a whopping 95.65 per cent of those voting, and off a turnout of almost 75 per cent.
GMB will now be issuing notices for an initial two weeks of strike action in the new year unless meaningful negotiations allow something to be put on the table which recognises the work delivered for the council and local residents.
Mark Turner, GMB B50 Branch Secretary said:
“GMB members have clearly backed their claim for better pay.
“GMB union stand ready to negotiate to achieve it - all we need now is for the Council to want a resolution which our members can accept and this could be resolved before Christmas.
“Otherwise - and we hope that it won’t be necessary to action the strike notices in the first place – rubbish will start to pile up as the strike action starts to have an impact on all kerbside collections.”
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“All across the South coast and beyond, GMB members working in the waste and recycling sector have taken the praise and thanks they received for working through the pandemic and turned it into a pay rise that reflects their true value in the workplace.
“It is only right the hard and dirty work they do clearing and collecting our waste is translated into a decent pay rate for all.
“We intend to sit down with management next week, so let’s hope it leads to a serious offer we can present to members, but I guess that’s not our in our gift.
“What we do know is this matter must be resolved prior to Christmas, or we have no choice other than to issue strike notices for mid-January.”
Contact: Mark Turner 07860787973 or Gary Palmer 07552165950