
GMB is a union which campaigns for your right to be treated the same as your colleagues, regardless of who you are.

We fight for the rights of those who are in a minority in their workplace and do not believe that anyone should be singled out, especially those with a protected characteristic as specified by the Equalities Act 2010.

The equality strands who GMB look to offer support to through our Equalities Network include:

If you are keen to get involved within your branch or workplace, you can find out what this entails by downloading our regional Equality Officers Toolkit to see what the job entails and what support and resources are there to help you.  This is available for download at https://www.gmb-southern.org.uk/news/equality-officers-toolkit

We are also pleased to be able to share a resource document that we have produced to help people learn about the anti-racism movement.  In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, GMB Southern Region want to help you access information about the racist discrimination that still exists in the UK today.  GMB are very clear that Black Lives Matter.  You can access this document at https://www.gmb-southern.org.uk/anti-racism-resources

Alternatively, contact our Regional Equalities Officer, Michelle Gordon using her details on the right hand side of this page.

Campaign News

Black Lives Matter

GMB Southern Region condemns the state sponsored violence against Black communities in the US and stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement internationally.