GMB hails ASDA equal pay judgement
We want our low paid members receiving the money they deserve for the job they do say GMB Union
If you work for Asda the GMB is the union for you. As the only recognised union in Asda superstores and warehouses, GMB members and representatives can have their say on workplace issues.
Because being a GMB member working in an Asda superstore means having a voice at work GMB members have been able to raise a number of issues at both local and national level, including pick rates, pay issues (including miscalculation of holiday pay) and health and safety concerns. Distribution depots in the Southern Region in Erith and Dartford benefit from a strong GMB membership and fully elected committees of GMB representatives. This means members can negotiate on a number of issues from pay and hours to warehouse safety.
One of our key campaigns within Asda is Equal Pay. GMB believes that workers in ASDA stores, who are mainly women, do work of equal value to those working in distribution, who are mainly men. But ASDA pays distribution workers up to £3 more an hour than those in store. That can’t be right, and thousands of ASDA workers have submitted legal claims against ASDA demanding equal pay.
When we win (and we will) members will receive backdated pay as compensation, and ASDA will have to pay their retail workers fairly from that moment on, meaning huge sums of money in the pockets of our members.
GMB has been taking on the owners of Asda - the Issa Brothers and their financial backers TDR Capital - at a national level and even in parliament, and will not shy away from pursuing them whenever our members are not being treated fairly.
We want our low paid members receiving the money they deserve for the job they do say GMB Union
Protesters have descended on Asda headquarters as part of a national dispute with the GMB union over new pay proposals
Please find available for download below the latest bulletin from your GMB@ASDA team. This edition deals with the collective redundancy consultation for Ambient and Online Grocery,…
GMB, the union for Asda workers, is confident of ‘dramatically’ reducing job losses at the company.