BCP Council plots 'Scrooge-like' plan to fire and rehire 5000 workers for Christmas

Council’s written threat to staff must be withdrawn after members expressed worries about costly new job evaluation scheme, says GMB union
GMB, the union for local government workers, is warning Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council not to fire and rehire its entire workforce - a plan set to be unveiled at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday 10 December.
BCP Council Chief Executive Graham Farrant has written to all employees announcing all workers will be dismissed and reengaged on new terms - leading frightened staff to contact GMB with worries they will be dismissed.
This tactic, also known as ‘fire & rehire’ was roundly condemned by the Labour Party when P&O Ferries dismissed all its staff in 2022.
The party will now seek to ban the practice in legislation soon to go before parliament.
BCP Councill's ruling Liberal Democrat ruling group will decide at the 10 December meeting whether to proceed with the Chief Executive’s preferred option of dismissing the whole workforce or to potentially go to ACAS, who may be able to independently mediate.
GMB believes the council may have wasted millions of pounds on a new, unfit-for-local-government job evaluation scheme when such money could have been spent on the residents of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Nick Day, GMB Senior Organiser said:
“It is appalling that on the verge of Christmas a public sector employer has dropped this email into the inboxes of its hard-working staff, threatening them all with the sack.
“As a recognised union, GMB had no sight of this Scrooge-like email before it was sent and it flies in the face of constructive discussions held last Monday.
"The Chief Executive and the Lib Dem councillors in attendance at that meeting have now approved this ill-advised attempt to bully staff.
“The council, through its own dreadful and inept communication with its staff, has been unable to appease concerns over its new and expensive job evaluation scheme, so it’s now decided to threaten its own staff instead - how on earth will this appease their concerns?
“We are asking every elected politician in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to call for the withdrawal of this disgraceful proposal and that management get back around the table like adults instead of acting like children who can’t get their own way.
“Meanwhile its staff’s Christmases are now full of worry and concern for their jobs, all because they are continuing to raise legitimate concerns about working practices.”