GMB slams Lambeth headteachers’ plan for mass restructure with potential job losses at 20 schools
School staff have risked their lives every day of the pandemic and their reward is the threat of redundancy, says GMB Union
School staff have risked their lives every day of the pandemic and their reward is the threat of redundancy, says GMB Union
"Brighton and Hove Council has stepped in to protect staff, families and the wider community - Ministers must follow suit", says GMB Union
GMB are extremely disappointed that the Government have threatened Greenwich Council leader and Head teachers with prosecution if they continue with online learning for the last…
"By closing schools Greenwich Council have shown that they are putting the health of staff, pupils and their families first", says school support staff union GMB
If you work for Local Government, including schools and academies that follow NJC pay rises - we need your input!
Most school buses have a strict limit of 30 pupils, while vulnerable herded on to small mini buses crammed to capacity says GMB Union
"All schools must disclose what they are doing to prevent Covid-19 exposure and spread and not concentrate on whether they can legally evade health and safety legislation" says…
"We will back our members and challenge employers," says GMB Union
The Secretary of State for Education said he’s is being guided by the evidence - GMB Union demands to see the evidence