Medway Council makes 'miserly' compensation offer for school staff in Dickens country
Our members are having to go cap in hand to their bosses to say ‘please sir, can I have some more’, say GMB Union
Our members are having to go cap in hand to their bosses to say ‘please sir, can I have some more’, say GMB Union
Mitie will effectively become a loan shark whilst withholding wages from low paid workers, says GMB
Join us in London on Saturday 9th April
GMB are calling on the council and its Conservative councillors to cease the unnecessary and inflammatory public statements which the union fear might lead to attacks on workers…
We would ask the residents of Adur & Worthing to continue being understanding and supportive of our striking members as talks begin and develop, says GMB
Our members cannot afford the proposed £2,000 cut says GMB
Members will also receive an occupational sick pay scheme and all pay will be backdated