Supreme Court says Brexit must be triggered by Parliament
In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court has ruled that the government cannot unilaterally trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Rather, article 50 can only be lawfully triggered…
In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court has ruled that the government cannot unilaterally trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Rather, article 50 can only be lawfully triggered…
GMB Southern commented on Surrey County Council proposals to raise its council tax by 15%. A referendum for Surrey residents to accept or reject the proposals will take place in…
A GMB member has been awarded £275,057.12 in damages by the High Court.
During LGBT history month (February) GMB Southern region will be holding a one day training course for workplace organiser’s on Wednesday 22nd February.
GMB is calling for our members to support the national “Join the NHS March” demonstration on Saturday 4th March 2017.
In December 2016 there were 306,600 working families in the South East in receipt of child or working tax credits. The latest geographical analysis from 2014/15 shows that they…
GMB call again on Thanet council to call off the sale by auction on 6 February 2017 of small business workshops in St Peter’s in Broadstairs which is putting the future of 22 small…
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has confirmed that a nurse has no case to answer following allegations that fitness to practice was impaired.
GMB members from the B50 Sussex branch will be supporting a march and rally organised by Sussex Defend the NHS in Brighton on Saturday 21st January.
GMB, the union for school support staff, call on Kent County Council to complete new extension and replace mobile classrooms which have been on the site of the Royal Harbour Academy,…