GMB calls for members to support National NHS March on Sat 4th March
GMB is calling on our members to support the National “Join the NHS March” demonstration, called for Saturday 4th March 2017.
GMB is calling on our members to support the National “Join the NHS March” demonstration, called for Saturday 4th March 2017.
GMB Southern have called on the government to crack down on £900,000 spend on PR by academy group with 2 schools in Sussex and Isle of Wight.
As part of the 2016-18 pay deal in local government, the NJC agreed to review the NJC pay spine and established a working party to conduct the review. the first report from that…
The Fair Deal – what happens to pensions when staff are TUPE’d out of the public sector to independent providers delivering public services?
GMB Southern is calling for draconian fees to be scrapped as government publish a review of employment tribunal (ET) fees.
GMB members today have to consider Thames Ambulance response and how they get the evidence which shows that payments from past and present staff have been made into the relevant…
GMB Southern region responded to the publication earlier last week of the new Government industrial strategy.
GMB, the union for staff working in the ambulance service, will continue to question Thames Ambulance over concerns that they have potentially failed to make Employer and Employee…
GMB, the Union for Healthcare Professionals, are to monitor concerns that safe staffing levels on wards at Mill View Hospital in Hove are not always adhered to despite the Trusts…
GMB members who keep the Woolwich ferry running will be taking strike action on Friday 27 January 2017 over a number of management failures including serious health and safety…