GMB support march on NHS crisis on 3 February
GMB, the union for workers in the health, ambulances and care sector, is supporting the national march in London on 3 February on the current crisis in the NHS and the care sector.
GMB, the union for workers in the health, ambulances and care sector, is supporting the national march in London on 3 February on the current crisis in the NHS and the care sector.
GMB is a campaigning union within the care sector. We have members in all areas of social care such as residential homes, home carers, charities and foster carers. When you…
GMB Southern has members in every Local Authority in the region, from Dorset to Kent, from Oxfordshire to South London. Due to our recognition agreements with these councils,…
GMB@work is firmly embedded within EDF Energy, here in Southern Region. We have a solid approach to workplace campaigning – which is led from our grass roots membership and tackles…
GMB, the union for workers in local government, is calling for opposition to the plans to outsource services in Thanet, Dover & Canterbury Councils.
GMB members and staff have collectively condemned Brighton and Hove Council’s proposed transfer of staff to Brighton Dome & Festival Ltd, gifting control of some of the city’s…