New report confirms GMB warnings about Carillion were ignored
“Never again must any government allow the private sector to become the NHS provider”, says GMB Southern
“Never again must any government allow the private sector to become the NHS provider”, says GMB Southern
GMB welcome news of earnings rising by 2.9% in three months to march as earnings in Dorset and Wiltshire need to increase by 10.7% to catch up with 2007. “News that wages have…
GMB welcome news of earnings rising by 2.9% in three months to march as earnings in the South East need to increase by 12.8% to catch up with 2007. “News that wages have risen…
GMB are set to attend the TUC march and rally for ‘A New Deal For Working People’ on Saturday 12th May. “It’s time the government stopped supporting fat cat employers and the gig…
GMB Southern Region are again inviting all GMB members around the country to join us for up to a week's camping ABSOLUTELY FREE in the Dorset countryside this July
Read up on important information about your pay rise if you work for the Local Government or for a school.
GMB welcome decision by Brighton and Hove council not to renew Uber’s licence to operate in the city. “We have no doubt that Uber will appeal the decision and we hope that Brighton…
GMB welcome withdrawal of the threat of compulsory redundancies at West Hove Infant School. “This is welcome news that we received today from the governing body and the local authority,”…
GMB members in ballot for strike action over pay dispute at Forterra Newbury. “It really sticks in our members’ throats when they are being offered low pay rises, only to see directors…