GMB say deteriorating hospital standards are result of privatisation
“This is a matter of life and death for hospital patients and it’s a matter of survival for NHS workers and their families”, says GMB Southern
“This is a matter of life and death for hospital patients and it’s a matter of survival for NHS workers and their families”, says GMB Southern
“Once again the dark underbelly of the privatisation of our NHS is laid bare”, says GMB Southern
“Once again it’s the Trust’s most valuable resource, its staff, that come last on Chief Exec Ken Wenman’s to do list”, says GMB Southern
“It is an outrage that these hard working hospital staff have to decide between paying the rent or buying food”, says GMB Southern
“The gradual selling off the site alongside the demoralisation of the outsourced hospital workers is a real risk to the stability of service delivery to the local community”, says…
“We take our duty of care seriously and are making food parcels available for anyone in need”, says GMB Southern
“There is no such thing as ‘good privatisation’ because we find that outsourced workers’ pay, terms and conditions are always driven down and the service gets worse”, says GMB…
Hospital domestics, hostesses, porters and security personnel are becoming radicalised by the hardship that they are being forced to endure and those who have never dreamed of…
“The CCG’s and importantly those individuals tasked with direct responsibility for the contract and its management must be held accountable and not, as they have been, promoted…
“ISS is an exploitative contractor in the health service and our members are angry at being treated like second class NHS workers”, says GMB Southern