Clap For Our Carers
GMB call on everyone to show our appreciation for those caring for others, tonight at 8pm
GMB call on everyone to show our appreciation for those caring for others, tonight at 8pm
We want our low paid members receiving the money they deserve for the job they do say GMB Union
Protesters have descended on Asda headquarters as part of a national dispute with the GMB union over new pay proposals
Please find available for download below the latest bulletin from your GMB@ASDA team. This edition deals with the collective redundancy consultation for Ambient and Online Grocery,…
GMB, the union for Asda workers, is confident of ‘dramatically’ reducing job losses at the company.
GMB’s latest ASDA newsletter contains important information for staff about water coolers and tea and coffee facilities in rest areas. It is available for download below.
Please find available for download below the latest health and safety bulletin, which contain vital information for all GMB members who work for Asda.
Please find available for download below the latest GMB bulletins for all members within ASDA stores. These contain important information regarding the national grievance on pay…
Please find available for download below the latest GMB bulletin for all members within ASDA stores. This has important information regarding the consultation process surrounding…